Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sticking to the original

I must admit, when it's possible to get something done in a quicker way, I am all for it. Whether it be watching a movie without reading a book, watching the headlines of the news (and not getting into the meat of the story), or utilizing translated texts from one language to English, I am all for it. Why? It saves time! I mean come on, I have enough to do in my life, but taking time to understand/learn the real meaning behind something is not needed. We have CNN, CNBC, and a host of other media resources to cut to the chase for us, let them do all the work and just give me the punch line!

After being in yeshiva for ~7 weeks and learning Gemarra the whole time, my opinion has completely changed. There are alot of English translations of the Aramaic in Gemarra so most people who have no skill in the language, like me, opt for the English version and feel it is the logical choice. Why waste time learning Aramaic (which is a dead language) when someone has done the work for me! I can honestly say, it is more than worth your time, it should be the only choice. Learning the original of anything is the best, and only way to go.

There is so much nuance in language/the original version you lose when someone else does the work for you. I recently went through the exercise by looking at the English first then translating the original Aramaic. Afterwards, I could not believe how much I thought I understood but did not. There is so much added in, in the translation, to help you along. Therefore you have to do less work. But it is precisely that extra work that really allows you to have a deep understanding of what is happening.

While my example only deals with translating languages, I feel it also applies to all knowledge. There are times when the shortcut is needed so you need to approach everything with a balance in life. However, when time permits, always take the time to understand the news story, political argument, or movie for yourself. So many people take news outlets like CNBC for granted. They'll put up some commenter and they will say X company earnings were bad because of a,b,c reasons. But was it really? Maybe there is a nuance that s/he missed in the argument! CNN or Fox will give their justification for some political view. Is their viewpoint right based on the facts? Just because your gut agrees with them, delve deeper into the original statements and decide for yourself.

In our culture of instant communication/gratification, take a step back and understand for yourself why someones assertion is correct. The original is the original for a reason. In it usually lies the truth and the real meaning. No one can challenge you once you truly know the truth of anything.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Objective systems

What makes great people great? Whether it be in a profession (an athlete, doctor, or musician) or in life in general (better parent, friend, or spouse). I would argue they apply an objective system to their lives and follow every intrinsic detail of it. They, more often than not, take their subjective opinions out of the equation and only focus on an objective truth. As with every rule, there are exceptions, but in general I believe this holds to be true. Once people master the system, is only when they start to bring their subjective opinions into the equation.

Lets take Larry Bird for example (I would use Tom Brady but I know my friend Mike would hammer me with Bledsoe propaganda!). There is no argument he was one of the best basketball players ever. Did he have natural talent, of course. But what made him become one of the best? The best free throw shooter? The best ball handler? He would practice the fundamentals of the system over and over again and never stopped. He was driven to be the best within the system of basketball and didn't say, "well I am good enough at X so I will do it my way" until he mastered all the fundamentals.

Another example is my favorite rock band, Phish. Again, what made a bunch of college students froms UVM the top grossing touring band with little to no radio airtime and minimal album sales? They stuck to the fundamentals of music and practiced liked work horses until they were good enough to invent their own style of music.

So where am I heading with all of this? In order to be the best person you can in life you need to stick to the basics, master the objective truths, and then, only then, move to incorporate your opinion on how to do things. I have seen numerous examples of this in sports or business (I am guilty of this mentality as well), that I know the best therefore whatever someone else says which may be a fundamental truth, is old/antiquated and cannot possibly help me.

Stick to the objective system, master it and allow it to re-wire how you think, perceive things, and act, then begin to re-incorporate yourself back into the equation. This, in my humble opinion, is the secret to achieving true greatness in life.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Zip files are ancient history

To whom every created the first zip file, or compressed transmission of data, I have news for you, you are infringing on the oldest encoded data every recorded. It's something called the Gemara ( and the code was created by the creator of all existence....

I had an interesting conversation with someone from my yeshiva tonight comparing the Gemara to encoded zip file and the light bulb just turned on for me. I have been studying Gemara for the past 3 weeks and have been struggling. It's riddled with Aramaic, short hand phrases, no punctuation, and logic discussing naked people in houses and dwarfs in holes. At the surface, once could see Gemara as some crazy babble that not only makes no sense but is just plain stupid. However, digging deeper and something special can be seen.

The Gemara is an encapsulation of the oral law (please see the Wiki link above for more detail). The oral law, as its title suggests, was meant to be kept oral by instructions from G-d. For many reasons, which are off topic for this post, it was written down. The next question is, how in the world do you right down something oral, that holds the truth of G-d, so someone thousands of years later can read it and have a clue what you are talking about? Encoding...The process of encoding was a method Moses received as Sinai (when he received the written and oral Torah).

It is hard to describe exactly how it is encoded as you really need to see first hand by learning it (of course I am going to be biased and highly recommend Bircas Hatorah's approach), but the way conversations flow, the logic used, and the creative abstractions are all approaches used. I have personally just started to scratch the surface and have been truly amazed at the the layers of understanding in one page of Gemara.

Once you eyes are opened to how to truly see/understand Gemara, you see truth in every word as the page holds an infinite depth of understanding that could only have been created by something of infinite being...

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Pleasure in Judaism

I was sitting in the beis medrash the other day at the new yeshiva I am attending (Bircas Hatorah) and was studying an amazing book called "Path of the Just" ( with one of the members of the yeshiva. The book was written by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto and was the start of the mussar movement ( in Judaism.

The first chapter discusses mans duty in this world. One would think a a book written ~300 years ago by a great Rabbi wound not start off discussing how we are suppose to maximize our pleasure in this world. However in the first page, there it is, "
man was created for the sole purpose of rejoicing in God and deriving pleasure from the splendor of His Presence; for this is true joy and the greatest pleasure that can be found."

The "splendor of his presence" simply means the world in which we live. are we to rationalize this? Torah tells a Jewish person to derive maximum pleasure! Fantastic! Of course this all comes down to how pleasure is defined. Going out and partying all night and getting very sick from drinking too much or spending time with someone you love/your family/friends and having a meaningful conversation? Simple examples that is riddled with holes but you get the idea. So...What does pleasure mean and how are we suppose to understand what pleasure really means, the base meaning?

Being away for almost a month, away from TV, away from work, and other distractions, has really given me a good perspective for understanding the effects of our westernized culture on people, well at least me. So before everyone reading this gets in a tizzy that I am about to lock myself in a closet here or when I get home, don't worry, I still love my MTV! From my perspective, we are (to be fair, I'll use I for now on), so I always felt that we live in a spending into debt culture. Get the new car and your happy. Go out and drink and basically do whatever you want. Heck no one should tell me what to do, I am an intelligent man who earns a living and have the "right" to do what ever I please! Yes, all of this is cliche but in my opinion very true.

I realize some of my logic in this post is
flawed but I am sitting outside in the cold right now so need to get down to the point (feel free to post a comment and will do my best to explain further)...What is pleasure?! It's simply understanding that everything we see, everything we touch, everyone one we interact with is holy (including ourselves) when one looks at everything and see's holiness, you have to then hold everything around you to a higher standard. When you hold everything on this new plane of holiness, true pleasure can be derived. Why? Instead of getting upset (like me!) at the person pushing you on the MBTA, you see a truly unique person and derive pleasure from their uniqueness in this world. Before eating a fantastic piece of porter house steak, take a moment before you eat to recognize the fantastic food you are about to eat and then be thankful afterwards for this unique food that you had the opportunity to enjoy. Before getting upset at someone in the office, work hard to understand their position and why it is unique and should be treasured, not simply trashed because you think they are wrong. In other words, be humble enough to know you are right but still understand that someone else can have a completely opposite opinion because we are all unique in how we are raised, our cultures, and our outlook at this world.

Take a step back, look at the glass half full, and just smile...Pleasure, it's a beautiful word who's true meaning can be discovered by simply appreciating the uniqueness in everything you interact with at every moment...