Monday, February 11, 2008

Zip files are ancient history

To whom every created the first zip file, or compressed transmission of data, I have news for you, you are infringing on the oldest encoded data every recorded. It's something called the Gemara ( and the code was created by the creator of all existence....

I had an interesting conversation with someone from my yeshiva tonight comparing the Gemara to encoded zip file and the light bulb just turned on for me. I have been studying Gemara for the past 3 weeks and have been struggling. It's riddled with Aramaic, short hand phrases, no punctuation, and logic discussing naked people in houses and dwarfs in holes. At the surface, once could see Gemara as some crazy babble that not only makes no sense but is just plain stupid. However, digging deeper and something special can be seen.

The Gemara is an encapsulation of the oral law (please see the Wiki link above for more detail). The oral law, as its title suggests, was meant to be kept oral by instructions from G-d. For many reasons, which are off topic for this post, it was written down. The next question is, how in the world do you right down something oral, that holds the truth of G-d, so someone thousands of years later can read it and have a clue what you are talking about? Encoding...The process of encoding was a method Moses received as Sinai (when he received the written and oral Torah).

It is hard to describe exactly how it is encoded as you really need to see first hand by learning it (of course I am going to be biased and highly recommend Bircas Hatorah's approach), but the way conversations flow, the logic used, and the creative abstractions are all approaches used. I have personally just started to scratch the surface and have been truly amazed at the the layers of understanding in one page of Gemara.

Once you eyes are opened to how to truly see/understand Gemara, you see truth in every word as the page holds an infinite depth of understanding that could only have been created by something of infinite being...

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