Thursday, January 3, 2008

So what is this all about...

Even for those that know me very well, this trip came as a surprise so I think I owe it to all of you to give you a brief glimpse into my mind....

(edited 1/11/08)

It all started January of 2000 when I went on the first Birthright Israel trip. Somehow I made the choice to miss Phish's millenium NYE celebration to head to Israel for free. All my friends were going, and it was PHISH! This choice, eight years ago from this exact week, I was in Jerusalem seeing the Kotel (Western Wall) for the first time. In an instance my life was changed...For the first time in my life I felt alive and felt a sense of truth in our world that I have never come across.

Every since that moment, I have been on a long and very winding journey. One that has helped me understand who I am and what drives me as a human. The past 1.5 years, I have taken a serious interest in understanding Judaism, from Orthodox Rabbi's in the Boston area. Alot of people have asked me along the way, why Orthodox?! Why not, conservative (for those who are not familiar, Judaism in the US is mainly split into 3 groups Reform, Conservative, and Orthodox. See WIKI link for definitions,,, My whole life, whether it was studying Economics, buying new stereo equipment, or coffee beans (yes I am a coffee snob!), I have always focused on understanding the original source. For instance, while studying Economics, I could not stand when professors gave us books interpreting original texts like Das Kapital. Just give me the original text and let me make my choices/thoughts/beliefs!

For me it was natural to go towards Orthodox. Learn from people who choose to interpret the all original texts. My thought was if I don't agree then I will find my place somewhere else. All I can say is after almost 1.5 years, I have continually seen only fact and truth. Truth in that Torah came from G-d, and there is a way I am (as a Jewish man) suppose to live my life.

To end this post, I am not here to persuade anyone and I simply cannot and will not. In some way it's is like proving to someone why you love your soul mate. How do you even begin? Words can never prove this to someone else...My only hope is that everyone reading this takes time in their lives to explore what our lives are all about and how we are suppose to see reality. I hope my blog serves as a reflection point for you as I continue to explore my reality in this beautiful world!


Anonymous said...

Kim and I hope you had a pleasant journey

Anonymous said...

i have added your blog's feed to my browser's reader, and so I look forward to Marc live from the Middle East.