Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Understanding how much you simply do not know

It's was a humbling day for me today...Sitting in the Beis Midrash learning some Gemara ( and I had a brief heart attack. For a split second I understood how much I simply do not know. So it got me thinking not just about Judaism but peoples lives, our world, world politics, etc and how much people think they know but simply have no clue about. Maybe it's ego, maybe it's a lack of understanding to the depth of knowledge needed to be acquired (as such in my case), or maybe it's a lack of simple ignorance.

While I know I will leave my 3 months in Jerusalem with a solid education and love for Torah, I think the greatest gift I might leave with is respecting how much knowledge needs to be acquired on any subject or topic to have an ability to have any perspective.

It's something, for myself, I have seen far too often (and am guilty of as well). Personally I feel this comes from our instant gratification westernized culture. Everyone has an opinion and no one has any clue what they are talking about. I only hope that I can take this gem of an insight throughout my life and become not just a Torah Jew, but someone who has knowledge and true appreciation for the complexities in this world.

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