Friday, January 11, 2008

At last....In Jerusalem

This post will have to be short as Shabbat is on its way in! I am here sitting in the Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem. It has been five days since I have arrived and it has been fantastic so far. The adjustment has been hard, from living in a dorm, to grueling 12 hour days studying, but I could not be happier with my choice to come.

I have meet so many people from all over the world who are here just to understand Torah and how it makes us better people and helps explain our world around us. From 20 year old guys who struggling with basic life questions to married men, all have a sense of pure love for Judaism and the thanks on how it has impacted their lives.

During the day, I am often in the Beis Midrash ( reading. The other day, I picked my head up out of my chumash (Torah translated) and experienced hundreds of men arguing and yelling at each other just as our great Rabbi's did thousands of years ago. The intensity to find truth was a true Kiddush Hashem (sanctification of G-d's name). Where else can you find such an experience? In a law firm, Wall St, the Senate? No where in my opinion. It is an intensity that only truth can bring out....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Shabbaahhtt!
I hope your having a great time!